CRM for education

How the education sector is leveraging digital and customer engagement platforms to transform student recruitment

CRM for education - improving student recruitment for the millennial age

Competition to attract and recruit students is growing, and your ability to engage with the millennial market, and beyond, is becoming more and more technology dependent. 

View this webinar to discover how the education sector is leveraging digital and customer engagement platforms to transform student recruitment, increase enrolments and remain ever relevant in a Millennial's world!

Topics covered:

  • What student millennials are looking for and how the right technology can help you deliver it
  • How technology supports the personal touch
  • The path to digital maturity, and how it will build your competitive advantage
  • Enterprise versus Basic – how to right size your CRM for your unique needs
  • The proof in the pudding – hear real world outcomes from peers using technology to improve student recruitment
  • Cognitive services -  How AI, Machine Learning, and the Internet of Things are changing the educational services landscape, and how you can make them work for you.
Great outcomes start with great conversations


Great outcomes start with great conversations

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